Thursday, November 1, 2007


I saw Ben Folds today at the diner where I had lunch. He was sitting on the same side of the booth as the girl he was with, and his cool quotient dropped a few points because of it. Couples who sit on the same side of the booth weird me out. I like to look a person in the eye when I’m talking, not stare down the depths of an ear canal.

I love Nashville in November. It smells woodsy and fresh and crisp outside. I can wear a jacket without getting warm, and boots without looking silly. November also brings the promise of the holidays. I’m so excited for Christmas this year. It’s not even that I love Christmas itself, I love the time surrounding Christmas. I love decorating, baking, shopping, and listening to Christmas music. But mostly I love the onslaught of clay-mation movies that pop up during the holidays. There is nothing better than sipping some Baileys and hot chocolate and watching Rudolph get his feelings hurt.

I decided I’m going to submit something to the Burnside Writer’s Collective. Which means I may actually have to grow balls and possibly a beard to build up the cahones necessary to submit a piece. This also means I’m going to have to write something BWC worthy. My friend sent me a copy of Free Will, and it inspired me to write like the good philosophy major I played in a past life. But I don’t want to straddle the religion/spirituality line too much. I think instead, I’m going to do something on eating disorders or social body consciousness. I’m feeling very analytical on that topic as of late.

What if I’d been born 50 years before you
In a house on the street where you lived
Maybe I’d be outside as you passed on your bike
Would I know?
And in a wide sea of eyes
I see one pair I recognize
And I know…

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