Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I know, right?

I am up far too early because my body thinks it's still in Nashville. Subsequently...

Date of Birth:4/18/1981
Birthplace:Flint, MI
Current Location:SoCal
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:Blonde
Height:somewhere between petite and average
Heritage:German, Swiss, English, American Indian, Dutch
Piercings:Ears for right now
Band/Singer:Billy Joel
Song:I'll Be
Movie:Moulin Rouge
Disney Movie:ummm, The Little Mermaid
TV show:right now? Nip/Tuck
Food:anything involving pasta
Pizza topping:sundried tomatoes
Ice-Cream Flavor:strawberry
Drink (alcoholic):vodka tonics
Clothing Brand:dunno
Shoe Brand:whatever is cute and comfy
Flower:Tulip or Magnolia
Make-Up Item:mascara
Board game:Trivial Pursuit
This or That
Sunny or rainy:Usually sunny...sometimes I like rain
Chocolate or vanilla:chocolate
Fruit or veggie:both!
Night or day:night
Sour or sweet:ehhh...
Love or money:love
Phone or in person:in person
Looks or personality:little looks, lotsa personality
Coffee or tea:coffee
Hot or cold:cold
Goal for this year:stick with an exercise regimen
Most missed memory:playing in the snow with my brothers
Best physical feature:lips
First thought waking up:Do I have to?
Hypothetical personality disorder:what?
Preferred type of plastic surgery:breast lift
Sesame street alter ego:Tele
Fairytale alter ego:Glenda the Good Witch
Most stupid remark:I know, right?
Worst crime:hate crimes
Greatest ambition:To be an author with a house on the bay.
Greatest fear:That when I die I will wish I had lived my life differently.
Darkest secret:I see dead people.
Favorite subject:pop culture
Strangest received gift:hmm...one time I got pot holder and some chocolate-covered pretzels from a blind gift exchange
Worst habit:procrastination, negative self-talk
Do You:
Shower daily:Uh-huh
Like thunderstorms:If by like, you mean love? Yes.
Dance in the rain:It's been far too long since I've done that!
Sing:I used to.
Play an instrument:just the skin flute. bwahahah
Get along with your parents:Indeed
Wish on stars:I have.
Believe in fate:No
Believe in love at first sight:No
Can You:
Drive:in most countries
Speak another language:Not really
Dance:I'd like to think so.
Touch your nose with your tongue:only in my dreams
Curl your tongue:yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk:yes
Been Stoned/High:yes
Eaten Sushi:yes
Been in Love:yes
Skipped school:yes
Made prank calls:yes
Sent someone a love letter:no
Stolen something:yes
Cried yourself to sleep:yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person?deliberate ignorance
Are you right or left handed?right
What is your bedtime?whenever I can manage to fall asleep
Name three things you can't live without:friends, music, kisses
What is the color of your room?black, white, and red
Do you have any siblings?two brosefs
Do you have any pets?sadly, I do not
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars?no
What is you middle name?Reba
What are you nicknames?Em, Emmie, Elimy, E-Stein, Stein etc.
Are you for or against gay marriage?Neither
What are your thoughts on abortion?It's a difficult decision to make.
Do you have a crush on anyone?Yes
Are you afraid of the dark?No
How do you want to die?Suddenly, and during a happy moment.
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day?Probably six
Would you take a bullet for the one you love?yes!
What is the last law you’ve broken?probably speeding
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color:I like baldies.
Eye color:blue
Heighttaller than me
Weightdoesn't matter
Most important physical feature:hmmm, lips, shoulders
Biggest turn-offphysically? long fingernails
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