Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I'm a New Soul

So, today a friend and I were exchanging pleasantries. I asked how he was doing, and he reciprocated the question. And all I could think was that I am doing great! Nothing is fabulous or perfect or wrapped up in a neat and tiny package, but I feel great. This insight made me think of how good I really do have it, and that I forget to be grateful for such an enriched life. So here is my list o' thankfuls.

1. The bright sunshine and clear blue sky that I got to look at all day from the window at my desk.
2. A handsome and quite hilarious little nephew.
3. Photographers who take pictures of John Mayer and his luscious, hungry-for-my-skin lips.
4. Coworkers with good attitudes.
5. Friends who remind me that traits like being kind and selfless are not weaknesses.

I was sad to hear that Pink and Carey Hart are separating after a two year marriage, and a four year courtship. Don't get me wrong, a single Carey Hart is the best kind of Carey Hart, but I sort of rooted for his marriage to succeed. I like it when non-conventional celebrities who shun the standards of Hollywood beauty and behavior get involved. It makes me feel like there is hope for the rest of us schmucks just trying to figure it all out.

Perhaps the reason my day has been so lovely is because I've had this song playing in my head since I woke up. I'm thinking about putting it on indefinite repeat.

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